6.1 C
New York kenti
Çarşamba, Aralık 11, 2024
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climate change

Historic Deal To Help Developing Nations, Signed At COP27

By Janet Ekstract CAIRO-On Sunday, The Conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) known as COP27, wrapped up its last day with...

COP26: Compromise Deal Ends Conference With Climate Activist Backlash On The Glasgow Climate Pact

By Janet Ekstract GLASGOW- The Glasgow Climate Pact is the name the UN has given to the final agreement reached at the United Nations Climate...

Paris Agreement Takes Effect In Turkey November 10

By Janet Ekstract ISTANBUL (TURKISH JOURNAL)- Turkey will finally be an official party to the Paris Agreement on November 10.  This means that Turkey will...

COP26: Biden Announces An Ambitious Climate Plan For The US

By Janet Ekstract GLASGOW (TURKISH JOURNAL) - Speaking at the UN Climate Conference, COP26 in Glasgow, US President Joe Biden said: “Glasgow must be...

UN Secretary-General: “IPCC Report is a Code Red For Humanity”

By Janet Ekstract NEW YORK (TURKISH JOURNAL) - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a statement in a press conference on Monday about the condition of...

EARTH DAY: Leaders Climate Summit A Priority For President Biden

By Janet Ekstract NEW YORK (TURKISH JOURNAL) - Climate change will be front and center on U.S. President Biden’s priority list with his invitation to...

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Climate Change Devastating the Globe

By Janet Ekstract UNITED NATIONS (TURKISH JOURNAL) - United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, spoke at the opening of the Human...

UN: Highlighting The Need To Protect Seas by Turkish Marine Foundation Exhibit “Let’s Discover Turkish Seas”

By Janet Ekstract UNITED NATIONS (TURKISH JOURNAL) - Climate change has forced the hand of nations to recognizer the very real importance of...

İklim değişikliğinin yol açtığı felaketlerin zararı 320 milyar dolar

BİRLEŞMİŞ MİLLETLER (TURKISH JOURNAL) - Selçuk Acar - Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Genel Sekreteri Antonio Guterres, BM'nin Yeni İklim Ekonomisi Raporu'nun sunumunda yaptığı yaptığı konuşmada,...

Çin nükleerde de “süper güç” oluyor

NEW YORK (TURKISH JOUNRAL) - Selçuk Acar - Dünyanın ikinci büyük ekonomisi Çin'in ABD, Fransa, Japonya ve Rusya'nın ardından 5'nci sırada bulunduğu nükleer enerji...

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